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Apr 24, 20246 min read
Heading for the Caribbean: Crossing from Canada outside hurricane season
The call of the Caribbean is irresistible, For many sailors, sailing to these islands from Canada represents the realization of a dream

Apr 9, 20245 min read
How to Unstep Your Sailboat's Keel-Stepped Mast
There's something extraordinary, symbolic, almost melancholy about unstepping a mast. Here is the unstepping process step by step.

Feb 22, 20244 min read
Making your dream come true: The 5 greatest challenges
No matter how big or small a project, sooner or later we face challenges and difficulties.

Feb 12, 20245 min read
Cold navigation: sailing in the Arctic
Many are attracted by the opposite, cold sailing, traversing snow-whitened lands, and zigzagging between icebergs and sea ice.

Nov 28, 20234 min read
Making your dream come true: the 5 mistakes to avoid.
Ce qu’on appelle « chance » est aussi la capacité de générer des opportunités et d’être prêt à les saisir quand celles-ci se présentent.

Aug 16, 20213 min read
Meeting the Corals
We are interested in corals. What about you? Venus and her friends in the coral reef of Tikehau, Tuamotus. Corals are superstructures...

Jun 3, 20202 min read
Meeting with a giant: The humpback whale.
How do you recognize a humpback whale at sea? Humpback whales' blows can be spotted from far away. They have long white pectoral fins...

Feb 26, 20202 min read
5 Sailing movies for Winter (Part 1)
Who hasn't dreamed of snuggling under a blanket watching a sailing film or documentary, when it's -20 ° C outside and winter has been...

Feb 21, 20203 min read
Towards a return of sailing in international commerce?
From Mediterranean maritime trade by civilizations during the age ofAntiquity to the discovery of the route to India by Vasco de Gama, to...

Feb 14, 20204 min read
No GPS? Who’s the guide ?
Did you know that the Ocean Globe Race in which we are going to compete doesn’t allow all types of geolocation system? Indeed, we are not...

Feb 5, 20207 min read
Pelagic birds, a real challenge!
-Written by Jessé Roy-Drainville Birds are an integral part of the marine world. They have been known for centuries by mariners to...

Jan 29, 20203 min read
See a BLOW ? Go SLOW! HOW to Avoid Ship STRIKE With Whale?
As magical as an encounter with a whale could be, sometimes the encounter can turn into a drama. Collisions with whales are unexpected...

Jan 22, 20203 min read
They look for me at night, When they find me, they don't realize it until I'm gone. Who am I ?
For those who have not guessed, the answer and the subject of this short article is sleep! Sleep is an essential component of a healthy...

Jan 13, 20202 min read
The Navigator proverb
We've all been told some proverbs about weather by an old sea wolf on our night shift, right? But did we understand what he was saying...
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